Sunday, September 25, 2011

Roman is One!

Cookie Monster cake-intact!

Kiss for new pup!

He's just too little to he got matching gifts.

Cookie Monster about to go down!

Squeezing and smashing...but not really eating...

Big bro encouraging a taste

A fine mess!
My baby is one.  It's bittersweet to watch him progress into an independent little person.   Roman has a small vocabulary at his young age consisting of the following words-Hi (said with a southern drawl), hat, bye bye, ball, pants and my personal favorite...the K sound, which means cookie.  He is happy, sweet and into everything.  He loves the toilet, the dirt in my plants, the cabinet that houses the pots and pans, and the little hideout behind the TV.  He adores Rocco and freely hugs and kisses him often.  They are starting to play and interact together and the love they feel for each other is apparent.  Happy Birthday to my sweet, chubby and busy little boy!

Monday, September 5, 2011

Ordinary days

Sometimes I forget to embrace the beauty of ordinary days
catch every smile, play every game and walk into open arms
the smell of my baby's it feels on my cheek and how sweet it is.
The sacred, fleeting moments
of football games
and girlfriends
rain and puddles and rubber boots
and nicknames
friends who will eat standing up off paper plates
and dreams that only last a day... and joy that they were shared only with you
laughing at the absurdity of the disfunction in your past
feeling strong
and safe
and full...
and wanting all
because your cup has runneth over.