It is important that you all know about my favorite things:
1. Being in my birthday suit is about the free-est feeling around. I can easily bring my feet up to my hands, and on a good day, I can suck on my own toes. Additionally, my parents get a great view!
2. Elmo!! He makes me light up like a christmas tree. My Daddy has perfected his voice so I can hear Elmo even when the TV isn't on - what a deal.
3. Twinkle Twinkle Little Star is the jam. My Mommy sings her heart out to this song when I'm complaining in my car seat, and I just have to be quiet and listen.
4. My Dad's silly dances and raps. If he even knew how goofy he looked. I laugh and laugh at him.
5. Books! I will wiggle every limb at once if you read me a book!
6. Watching my Mommy and Daddy play with me together - I just can't stop smiling...
7. My doggy! I talk to him, reach for him and let him lick the food off my fingers. When I get my hands on him, I grab his fur and pull! I can't help it, it's so much fun.
8. The swing, but not the one in the house. I love watching the ground move beneath me.
9. Being outside. I can even do a bird impression. Seriously, I can copy a bird chirp verbatim. It makes Mom laugh.
10. The sound of my own voice. I yell, shriek, wail, scream, babble and coo all day! It's a blast.
11. My cousin Kaydence. I spend two days a week with that silly girl. I love to watch her and talk to her. She even kisses me sometimes! I'm a lucky kid.