Sue, I'm copying this idea from you!
I love that Rocco HATES haircuts and so he has this messy mop mullet type hairtstyle that is always in his eyes and always a mess. He got a car stuck in it the other day so I had to cut his hair in one spot to get the car out. Now he has this tacky bald spot on the side of his head too. It's a super ugly hairstyle and I love it!
I love that Rocco loves Roman so much and that he talks to him and kisses him. And then, he will pull out Roman's bouncer seat and point and say, "RoRo seat" which means we are supposed to put Roman in it and play only with him.
I love that Rocco is so sassy and feisty but he tries really hard to be good. When we ignore his yelling demands he walks up calmly, points his finger, asks for what he wants calmly and ends with a long drawn out, "okaaaaaaaaay."
I love that Rocco calls his Grandma Baaf or Baafwah. If we correct him and say "Grandma" he says, "No, Baafwah." I am afraid that she is forever Baafwah. She doesn't mind. :)
I love that Rocco helped me make his Daddy's birthday cake and every time I said "daddy's cake," Rocco said, "Rocco's cake."
I love that Rocco loves to play basketball on his little hoop with Daddy and Duwandawe (Rocco for DeAndre). He runs after D saying, "Duwandawe ball." DeAndre drops what he is doing to play with Rocco. I love that Rocco calls out the shots he makes or misses by saying, "Rocco swish, Rocco brick or Rocco airball." Each of them is fine with him!
I love that Rocco is very sensitive. He can call out your feelings, by the look on your face or tone in your voice. "RoRo happy", "Rocco sad", Mommy pissed off"(yes he did.)
I love that Rocco knows all the letters of the alphabet, can count to twenty and name letters up to ten, knows his shapes and colors, his body parts, can name the baseball "guys", knows opposites like; on and off, tall and short, fast and slow and he can illustrate them.
I love that Rocco sings "T-shirt tiiiiimmmmeeeeee" when his daddy puts a T-shirt on.
I love the excitement in his face when he masters a new task, that he isn't afraid to praise himself, that he stares at himself in the mirror and makes faces and that he sings the clean up song and starts to clean up by just moving things to new places. He then praises himself by clapping and saying, "Rocco did it!"
I love that he calls his sissy his "best friend."
I could go on and on and on about this wonderful little Rocco. What a joy he is!
1 comment:
I love it Wendlys! It made me love him more and I felt like I was right there! The only thing I didn't love is how dumb he makes Juliet look!:) I think she is actually smart but she is playing dumb to get away with stuff! :) I sure love and miss all of you! I am going to do one of my kids a week and I hope you do the same! :) loves
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