Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Liv and D

I wish I knew how to make this picture reason being to illustrate what thousands upon thousands of dollars worth of orthodontic work can do to a smile.  They both have perfect teeth!  Lucky little spoiled jerks!  :)  I am so proud of these two wonderful has been such a pleasure to be their mom and I have such high hopes for their futures.  It is hard to believe that they were once so little and dependent on me for every little is a bittersweet feeling to know that they will soon venture out into the world as independent adults.  Sigh...tear....sigh....I did my best...made a ton of mistakes but I loved them madly through it all and still love them so much it hurts.  I cherish everyday that they still live in my house and have told them both they can stay until they are 30...and I mean it with all my heart.   To my Liv and my D...thank you for filling my heart with such intense joy and pride.  Love, Mommy

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