Friday, June 3, 2011


I try to remember everyday, as I tuck my healthy babies in their beds, how truly blessed my life is, in this exact moment.  Knowing full well, that at any moment everything can be turned upside down.  But for today, right now, I am grateful.  My heart aches for a dear, sweet family that is suffering in unimaginable ways.  I know there is nothing I can do or say and so I just remember them...and sometimes I cry for them and wish so much  that I could change their circumstances.  And I try so hard to take nothing for's overwhelming.

1 comment:

-J- said...

Thanks for keeping us in your thoughts, assuming you meant little C as I was drawn to this post rather randomly, figured it was mine to read. Please tell Liv that I'm sorry I forgot to call, things got rough today for C for a while there and I totally forgot... :(